August 10, 1889: British and French sign an agreement demarcating the boundary between the Gold Coast and the Ivory Coast

The border area between Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana stretches from the lagoon regions bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the savannah in the North. In 1892, Governor Griffith chose George Ekem Ferguson, a Gold Coaster, for this important mission. Ferguson was to endeavour to make treaties especially with Gonja, Dagbon, Grushie and Mossi. The treaties were not to imply protection but "friendship and freedom of trade", with a commitment "not to make any treaty with or accept the protection of any other power without the consent of Her Majesty’s government”. Ferguson’s mission extended beyond demarcating both the western and eastern extent of British influence in the territory north of Ashanti. He concluded treaties with numerous northern nations on behalf of the British in three expeditions. Both the French and British, though competing for territory in the north, had to contend with the slave raiders Samory and Babatu. In March 1897, at Dawkita, during a clash between Samory's army and a British expedition led by Lieutenant Henderson and Ferguson, the British force was defeated, Ferguson was killed and Henderson was taken prisoner. Samory released Henderson because he wanted to ally with the British against the French and Babatu.

On the Cote d’Ivoire side, the southern border area is made up of five contemporary districts: the “departments” of Bondoukou, Tanda, Agnibilekrou, Abengourou and Aboisso. On the side of Ghana, the available regional subdivisions provide less details: we are left with two regions, Western and Brong-Ahafo. The Black Volta River only contributes to the most northern part. During the 19th century, the bulk of this border area was controlled by the Ashanti Empire. At the end of the 19th century, the French and British started to extend their domination, from trade posts located on the coast toward the North, by signing protectorate treaties with local kingdoms. The 1870 defeat of France against Prussia allowed Great Britain to extend its influence westward. A territorial exchange of the French trade posts of Grand Bassam and Assinie against British Gambia was even considered at that time.

The Binger expedition and the action of French men who had private interests in the region (TreichLapl`ene, Verdier) made France regain the lost ground from 1887 by signing treaties with kingdoms located in the middle part of the border area: Indenie (around Abengourou), Sefwi (around Debiso), Gyaman. Having signed treaties with both colonial powers, this latter kingdom, located around Bondoukou, was finally cut in two halves as early as 1891. The city of Bondoukou was first taken by the British in 1887, then by the French in 1888, then by the Diula leader Samori Toure in 1895; the British reconquered it in July 1897 when called for help by the king of the Gyaman, but the French took their revenge and imposed themselves in October 1897. The two colonial powers needed around 15 years, from 1889 to 1905, to agree upon a definitive alignment.

The layout of the last demarcation on the field, with teak trees, beacons and pillars, was achieved in 1984 on the Cote d’Ivoire side, and in 1988 on the Ghana side.